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Auto Services & Repair

  • At Autopia Bloomington, our expert mechanics specialize in keeping your KIA running like new. With dedicated technicians on staff, we ensure top-tier maintenance and repairs to maximize your vehicle’s reliability for years to come.
  • From brake services to air conditioning repairs for your KIA, we've got you covered.
  • A loyal customer’s 6-year-old Kia Sorento Hybrid hit 300K miles, and we replaced the engine with a quality used one!
  • Many of our customers’ KIAs have passed 250,000 miles—and they’re still going strong!
  • Two of our loaner cars we have are KIA's and they both have almost 250,000 miles on them with no problem. 
  • Keep your Kia running smoothly—Sorento, Sportage, Telluride, and more—with our expert care!
  • Specializing in KIA service near you. Come visit us today! Our team includes expert KIA mechanics who specialize in KIA repairs and maintenance. Ready for your KIA oil change service? We can do that. Hearing something that might be brake service needed for your KIA? Or has your KIA air conditioning stopped working? Let us take a look and let you know.

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KIA Service Area

KIA Richfield Services

At our service and repair center, we take pride in maintaining Kia vehicles, helping their owners keep them running at peak performance for years to come.

KIA Eden Prairie Services

Our team of skilled professionals specializes in servicing and repairing these vehicles, ensuring they continue to deliver the reliability and driving experience Kia is known for.

KIA Edina Services

As Kia relies on cutting-edge technology to create its vehicles, our ASE Certified Technicians do the same to keep them running smoothly. 

KIA Minneapolis Services

Using state-of-the-art computerized diagnostic equipment, we thoroughly assess your Kia's needs, addressing any issues with precision and care. 

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