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Land Rover

Auto Services & Repair

  • At Autopia Bloomington, we know your Land Rover is more than a vehicle—it’s a luxury investment in performance and adventure. Our expert technicians specialize in Land Rover maintenance and repairs to ensure lasting reliability and peak performance.
  • From brakes to AC repairs, we’ve got your Land Rover covered.
  • A good customer trusts us with their family’s five+ Land Rovers for service and repair.
  • We have multiple customers with Land Rovers that have surpassed 100,000 miles and are still performing at their best.
  • One of our Land Rovers loaner cars have nearly 100,000 miles on them and continue to perform flawlessly.
  • We’re experts in all Land Rover models, ensuring top performance and longevity.
  • Specializing in Land Rover service near you. Experience our expertise today! Our team includes Land Rover-certified technicians who specialize in Land Rover repairs and maintenance. Ready for your Land Rover oil change service? We can do that. Hearing something that might be brake service needed for your Land Rover? Or has your Land Rover air conditioning stopped working? Let us take a look and let you know.

 Land Rover

Land Rover Service Area

Land Rover Richfield Services

Preventative maintenance is key to keeping your Land Rover running smoothly and saving you money in the long term.

Land Rover Eden Prairie Services

Our experienced team is dedicated to identifying repairs and services that help you avoid costly issues down the road. We provide honest and fair assessments of your vehicle’s condition, keeping you informed every step of the way. 

Land Rover Edina Services

Our knowledgeable support staff will update you throughout the repair or service process and are always happy to answer any questions you may have.

Land Rover Minneapolis Services

Our top priority is ensuring that when your vehicle leaves our shop, it’s in the best possible condition, ready to deliver the performance and reliability you expect.

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