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Auto Services & Repair

  • We know a reliable car needs quality care. Our expert mechanics specialize in Saturn vehicles, ensuring proper maintenance and repairs to keep yours running strong for years.
  • From brake repairs to air conditioning fixes, we've got your Saturn covered.
  • A good customer trusts Saturn for their whole family, bringing us five or more vehicles for service and repairs.
  • Many Saturn owners trust us with vehicles over 150,000 miles, still running strong.
  • Our Saturn loaner cars have nearly 150,000 miles and run smoothly without issues.
  • Trust us to keep your Saturn—Vue, Ion, Aura, and more—running strong for years!
  • Your Saturn's trusted partner. Experience expert service near you. Our team of Saturn-certified technicians specializes in all aspects of repair and maintenance. Ready for your Saturn oil change service? We can do that. Hearing something that might be brake service needed for your Saturn? Or has your Saturn air conditioning stopped working? Let us take a look and let you know.


Saturn Service Area

Saturn Richfield Services

Award-winning and innovative, Saturn vehicles have always lived up to their motto: “A different kind of car.” From their production years between 1985 and 2009, Saturn vehicles captured the hearts of American drivers, most notably with the Saturn Aura being named the 2007 North American Car of the Year. 

Saturn Eden Prairie Services

While Saturn production has ceased, the lasting quality of these vehicles keeps them on the road and trusted by their owners.

Saturn Edina Services

We pride ourselves not only on the quality of our work under the hood but also on the superior experience we offer every customer.

Saturn Minneapolis Services

From the moment you walk through our doors to the moment you drive away, satisfaction is our top priority.

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