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Auto Services & Repair

  • While most auto shops stop at just getting the job done under the hood, we go far above and beyond. Our expert technicians specialize in Subaru maintenance and repairs to keep your reliable vehicle running for years.
  • From brake repairs to air conditioning fixes, we’ve got your Subaru covered.
  • A loyal customer trusts Subaru for their family, bringing us five or more vehicles for service and repairs.
  • Many Subaru owners have vehicles over 200,000 miles, still running reliably.
  • We have multiple customers with Subaru vehicles that have surpassed 300,000 miles, and they are still going strong.
  • Our Subaru car loaner runs smoothly even after nearly 300,000 miles.
  • Trust us to keep your Subaru—Outback, Forester, Crosstrek, and more—in top condition!
  • Your Subaru's trusted partner. Experience expert service near you. Our team of Subaru-certified technicians specializes in all aspects of repair and maintenance. Ready for your Subaru oil change service? We can do that. Hearing something that might be brake service needed for your Subaru? Or has your Subaru air conditioning stopped working? Let us take a look and let you know.


Subaru Service Area

Subaru Richfield Services

We take service beyond the basics under the hood. From the moment you walk into our shop, you’ll experience top-notch customer care.

Subaru Eden Prairie Services

To make your visit convenient, we offer local pick-up and drop-off services, and our friendly staff is always available to answer your questions.

Subaru Edina 


When you choose Autopia Bloomington, you’re choosing a team that goes the extra mile to protect your investment.

Subaru Minneapolis Services

Your vehicle is built for longevity and quality, and we’re here to ensure it stays that way with the best service and repair in the area.

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